Use Pioneer Ddjsb2 With Mixxx

  1. Pioneer Ddj Sb2 Serato Software
  2. Pioneer Ddj Sb2 Driver Install


based on hrudham's DDJ-SR mapping, with lots of modifications to make it work on the SX2.

use Mixxx v2.0 for this mapping.

How do I use it?

if you just want to get your controller working with Mixxx without bothering about the details much, then do the following:

  1. clone this repository, or download it as a zip.
  2. copy bin/PIONEER_DDJ-SX2.midi.xml and bin/PIONEER_DDJ-SX2-scripts.js to [Mixxx Directory]/controllers. This will probably be one of the following locations:
    • Windows: C:Program FilesMixxxcontrollers
    • Linux: /usr/share/mixxx/controllers or /usr/local/share/mixxx/controllers
    • OS X: /Applications/
  3. make sure your Pioneer DDJ-SX2 is plugged in and turned on.
  4. open (or restart) Mixxx, and enjoy using your (almost-fully-functional) controller

Controller Setup

  • The Pioneer DDJ-SB2 is an all-in-one USB MIDI controller with a built in sound card. It has controls for 2 decks that can be toggled between decks to play with 4 decks. It is compatible with Mixxx since version 2.0. The sound card has 2 RCA jacks for the main output. There are two headphone jacks.
  • I got a second hand Pioneer DDJ-WeeGO deck to have a more traditional work flow when playing out live. The software I have chosen is the open source and free Mixxx. I have everything mapped out like I like and have everything working EXCEPT the jog wheels.
  • Nov 20, 2015  This tutorial will take you through the DDJ-SB2 set up process step by step, from downloading Serato DJ Intro and installation to importing tracks.
  • If you haven't already heard, Mixxx 2.0 was released the other day. Among many new improvements are included mappings for the Pioneer DDJ-SB and DDJ-SB2. Support was also added for another cheap controller that may interest beginners, the Electrix Tweaker which costs only $100 with a free case but doesn't have a built-in sound card.

the DDJ-SX2 uses a sysex to go into serato mode, so we trick the controller into 'this is Serato'. no extra setup is involved.

What's implemented?

Nov 20, 2015 This tutorial will take you through the DDJ-SB2 set up process step by step, from downloading Serato DJ Intro and installation to importing tracks and analysing their beat grids. Apr 22, 2018 BEGINNERS ONLY In the third of five free sample lessons from the Digital DJ Tips 'intro' course for new users of Pioneer DJ's DDJ-SB2 (and SB and SB3), you'll learn how to hook up your.

  • crossfader
  • deck
    • play/pause
    • volume
    • trim
    • equalizer
    • filter
    • cue
    • sync
    • needle search
    • headphone cue
    • tempo tap (seems like it is not working though)
    • grid adjust/slide/set
    • quantize
    • keylock
    • slip mode
    • tempo slider
    • loop functions (except slot select)
    • crossfader assign buttons
    • censor/reverse
    • tempo range
    • vinyl mode on/off
    • pads:
      • hot cue
      • roll
      • slicer!
      • sampler
      • cue loop
      • saved loop (uses hotcues as workaround)
      • slicer loop (maybe buggy)
      • velocity sampler
      • sampler bank switching
        • to be expanded to 8 banks for Mixxx 2.1
  • jog wheels
    • scratching
    • pitch bend
    • skipping
  • browser
    • selector
    • selector toggle
    • back button
    • view/area
    • load prepare
  • load buttons
  • panel select
  • input select
  • effects
    • since Mixxx uses a different effect framework, the effect panel wouldn't have worked properly, but i did it anyways
    • check out for instructions.
  • crossfader curve (maybe buggy)
  • sampler volume
  • channel/cross fader start
  • parameter 1 and 2

What's missing

  • slicer with different precisions

What's not possible at all?

  • flip
  • track number, song and artist buttons
  • grid clear

I found a bug.

awesome! go to the 'Issues' section, and create an issue.

I want to help.

you can fork this repository, clone it, install this mapping, and modify it using Mixxx and your favorite text editor (don't use Notepad though (unless you're an Insider), it does not recognize LF line endings). then copy the changes back to cloned repo, and commit.

make a pull request when done.

****** IMPORTANT NOTICE *******

There is a new fork available for this project:

I recommend installing this one and start testing this and give feedback to jardiacaj on github

This version has way more functionality then my version. Check it, test it. Thanks




This is a basic mapping for Mixxx for the Pioneer DDJ-SB (2 decks). The code is based on / forked from hrudham's project: Mixxx-Pioneer-DDJ-SR ( I've used the same methods but stripped it a bit so it works for my DDJ-SB and also so the code is understandable to me. I like to understand what I implement. So I might have deleted some cool functionality from the original project ...

  • It requires v1.11. Certain functionality will NOT work in previous versions.
  • Forum Thread on ->

How do I use it?

If you just want to get your controller working with with Mixxx without bothering about the details much, then do the following:

  1. Download the following two files:
    • [PIONEER-DDJ-SB.midi.xml] (
    • [PIONEER-DDJ-SB-scripts.js] (
  2. Copy these to the [Mixxx Directory]/controllers folder. This will probably be one of the following locations:
    • Windows: C:Program FilesMixxxcontrollers
    • Linux: /usr/share/mixxx/controllers or /usr/local/share/mixxx/controllers
    • OS X: /Applications/
  3. Make sure your Pioneer DDJ-SB is plugged in and turned on
  4. Open (or restart) Mixxx, and enjoy using your (semi-functional) controller

What's implemented?

I've only implemented what I need and 'know of' for now...

  • General

    • Cross-fader
    • Volume ControlChannel, Master and Headphones
    • Manual FilteringHigh, Mid and Low
    • Playlist browsing
      • Back : switches between Tracklist and Sidebar
      • RoatrySelector : browses through the Tracklist of the Sidebar
      • RotarySelectorClick : Expands or Collapses the Sidebar item
      • Load : loads the selected track in the Left or Right deck
    • Sampler Control
      • Push : Starts playing the sample from start
      • Shift-Push : Stop playing the sample
    • Pitch Control
      • Inverted. With my current skin I can not get this to work as intended even if I change the setting
  • Deck Controls

    • Play / Pause / Cue

      • Cue: Sets the Cuepoint when not playing, Jumps to Cuepoint when playing
    • Vinyl Mode

    • Keylock

    • Precue'ing

    • Hotcue Control (4 can be set)

      • Push: Sets the hotcue and lights up the LED of the pushed button.
      • Push again: Turn of the hotcue point
    • Autoloop Control

      • 4 Autoloops can be set (no shift use on Performance Pads yet) on: 1 beat / 2 beats / 4 beats and 8 beats
      • If you want other beatloops you need to change the xml and the LoopInterval Enum in the Init() function
    • Manual loop Control (still buggy)

      • In : Sets in point
      • Out : Sets out point
      • Exit : Not working yet. Pretty annoying :)
      • 1/2 : Cut loop in half
    • Jogwheel ControlWhen playing in normal mode, only touching/turning the side will result in pichbend. All otherinteractions are disabled in this mode.

    • NORMAL MODE (when playing)

      • Pitchbend using the side of the Jogwheel
    • NORMAL MODE (when not playing)

      • Scratching / Seeking when turning the Jogwheel surfaceI've switched this to Scratchmode, it makes seeking by using the jogwheels quicker.

    For the next mode I've tried to make the DDJ-SB behave like a vinyl as much as I understand of it.

    • VINYL MODE (when playing)
      • Brakes when touching the Jogwheel surface, Starts again when releasing.
      • Pitchbend using the side of the Jogwheel
    • VINYL MODE (when not playing)
      • Scratching / Seeking when turning the Jogwheel surface

What's missing?

  • Shift Functions of the Performance Pads
  • Manuel loop bug
  • Reversed Pitch Control
  • Channel Filters
  • Crossfader Automatic Filter
  • Effects (Not available in Mixxx I think?)
  • Decks 3 and 4

Pioneer Ddj Sb2 Serato Software

I will definitly fix the Manual Loop bug and as I go along and need more stuff I might implement the exta functions (Performance Pads Shifts) same goes with deck 3/4 which, atm, I don't need those.

Pioneer Ddj Sb2 Driver Install

If I stumble upon good code to do the filtering, I will probably implement that too. Suggestions are welcome.